Wednesday, July 2, 2008

18 Month Update

Today we went for Brock's 18 month check-up. He turned 18 months on June 21 so we are a week late going to the doctor. So far, doctor's visits have been good for us. He has only been once for being sick so all of our visits have mainly been wellness checks. We are so happy that he has been such a well baby or now toddler. The doctor's office has a new train track with a train circling the room. Brock loved this....until he had to leave and go to the exam room. This is the first fit that he pitched. Once he got settled down, he was measured and weighed. He weighed 23 pounds 9 ounces (20%) and was 32.25 inches long (50%). The doctor checked him out and said that everything was great. She asked was he saying at least 10 words, running, trying to put on clothes and obeying commands. We said yes (obeying commands for the most part). He then had to get dressed and get ready for shots. This would be the second fit that he threw. The doctor said that is was normal for him to act like that. She said that it would last about 8 more months and said that he was starting the "terrible twos". On my, I do not know how I will survive. If you have suggestions, please comment and let me know. Otherwise, we are truly blessed to have a healthy boy!!!

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