Thursday, August 28, 2008
Pictures to Share
Brock stuck in his coloring container...he is such a funny little guy.
Brock waving to me while I was trying to take his this age, I cannot seem to get a decent picture made of him so I just take what I can get.
Lastly, this is my newest creation....a Diaper Cake. My aunt Opal and sister Brandi have been making them for shower gifts so I decided to give it a try. Not bad for the first time...we will see if this is still standing next Sunday for the Baby Shower.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Meet the Teachers
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Weekend Fun
Since Brock was at Granna's, Brad and I got to go to dinner on Friday night. It was nice to not have to rush. We went to Carrabba's which is one of our favorite places. It was really good!!
On Saturday, we went to Pop & D's at the lake. It was a dreary day outside but we still had a good time. Brock had fun riding on the boat and playing outside. He fed the fish and ducks. He loves to say "fish" and now is saying "lake".
When we got home on Saturday night, I ordered my new computer program for my monogram machine. I am so excited!!! Hopefully this will allow me to do many more things. I am going to practice and hopefully make some cute stuff....I will keep you posted.
We had a great weekend and we hope that you did too!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
August 21st
Brock is 20 months old today! I cannot believe how he is growing so fast. He is still a little guy weighing only about 23 or 24 pounds. His hair is finally growing good and he has a good bit of blonde hair. He is VERY active and loves to climb and crawl on everything!! His favorite show is now "Barney" instead of "Blues Clues". He loves playing with his blocks and toy broom. He is trying his best to talk so much. His favorite words right now are "knock knock", "Amen", "light", and "peace". Brad has taught him to flex his muscles when he says "show me your guns" which is so funny. This age is really fun and Brock is learning so much. I know the terrible twos are quickly approaching (some days I think they are already here) and I hope that they do not last long. We are looking forward to all the special days ahead!
Emery is ONE today! Emery is our niece that lives in Auburn. We will be celebrating with her next Sunday at her party. HAPPY BIRTHDAY EMERY!!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Crib vs. Toddler Bed
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Family Fun Day
On the way to the Museum
Turning somersaults (with dad's help)
Playing in the sand with dad (we really like Moon Sand!!)
Painting a picture with mom (he is such a great artist at 19 months)
Sliding down the banana slide
Driving the fork lift
Fishing in the little pond with a cute little rain coat on
Future Construction worker
Friday, August 15, 2008
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
New Baby in the Family
Saturday, August 9, 2008
At the "Beach"
Friday, August 8, 2008
Uneventful Week
This week we have just been taking it easy. Brock's face is much better. All the red spots are gone and the color of his cheek is turning back to the pinkish color that it usually is. He has been playing with his blocks and Little People car garage this week and asking "What's this?" all week long. Hopefully he is learning what we tell him but he is already asking "What's this?" again before we can answer him the first time. He is getting more teeth and is back to drooling a lot. He has also developed a love for Barney this week. He wants to watch it all the time and he loves to dance to all the songs. He got to meet a new friend on Wednesday, Matthew. He was born in June and hopefully will be playing with him soon. (I went to Auburn with Matthew's mom and we were both Tri-Deltas. Brad works with his dad at Home Depot....small world.) Tonight, Brock had a date with Miss McKenzie. We went to dinner with our friends, Jason & Megan and their daughter. Both children were so good and so that made the dinner more enjoyable. Other than that, just a slow uneventful week here at The Slocumb home. We hope that you had a great week.
Enjoy your weekend!