Thursday, April 24, 2008

16 Months Old

This post should have been on Monday, April 21 but things got busy and well I just forgot. Brock turned 16 months old on the 21st. I just cannot believe how fast that he is growing. He is trying to talk a lot more but mainly the words that we can understand are ball, book, Bud (for Buddy the dog), Brock, bye bye, hey, and nack (for snack). It is so funny some days because he is just telling you something and you just do not understand. He is loving his new swing on his swing set and likes to go out every day to play. He likes to play in the tub with all his water toys so I hope that he is going to like the beach. (We are going next week with Brad's family). He loves to eat chicken, Ritz Bits, Teddy Grams, wheat pancakes, and any bread item. He is a ray of sunshine and we are blessed to have him in our lives.

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