Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Favorite Snack

From the beginning, Brock (or who I like to call my little munchkin) has been a real picky eater. He never really liked baby food except if we would mix it with cereal. He slowly started to eat "big people food", well mainly chicken (but he gets that from his mommy). He does not drink anything but milk and water. So you can see why the little fellow only weighs 22 pounds. However, he has found a new snack that he LOVES....Ritz Bits with peanut butter. He stands at the pantry door and just bangs on it until I finally give in and get him some. The next time that I post about his weight it will say that he weighs 35 pounds because all he does now is eat Ritz Bits. Oh well, at least he is eating something.


Alison said...

We've got two "light-weights" at our house too. I agree, you feed them what you can - as long as they are eating!!

The Kendricks- Tales From Opossum's World said...

I don't know what you're talking about, Abby is an eatin' champ. 3 months and 13 pounds. What Abby? Did you just call Brock a light weight?